Friday, May 29, 2020

Cracking the Hidden Job Market

Cracking the Hidden Job Market Following up from my recent post about the hidden job market, I found this: 6 Ways To Crack The Hidden Job Market I like what Nancy Collamer says (shes a Forbes contributor) check out the article.  This article could be renamed to 6 Things You Should Do In Your Job Search BEFORE You Hit The Job Boards. How many of the six are you doing? Cracking the Hidden Job Market Following up from my recent post about the hidden job market, I found this: 6 Ways To Crack The Hidden Job Market I like what Nancy Collamer says (shes a Forbes contributor) check out the article.  This article could be renamed to 6 Things You Should Do In Your Job Search BEFORE You Hit The Job Boards. How many of the six are you doing? Cracking the Hidden Job Market Following up from my recent post about the hidden job market, I found this: 6 Ways To Crack The Hidden Job Market I like what Nancy Collamer says (shes a Forbes contributor) check out the article.  This article could be renamed to 6 Things You Should Do In Your Job Search BEFORE You Hit The Job Boards. How many of the six are you doing?

Monday, May 25, 2020

We Dont Agree Women Are Not Better Managers

We Dont Agree Women Are Not Better Managers By, Ashley Crimaldi In a recent New York Times article, senior vice president and chief brand officer for the Elle Group, Carol Smith, argues that No Doubts: Women Are Better Managers. She goes on to explain that women are less bossy, more personable and more detail oriented than men. While Carol Smith may think she is on to something- I dont think she is. Yes, itd be nice to pump our egos and generalize that ALL women are better managers, but its just not possible. Women and a unique, individualized group and we shouldnt limit ourselves to a generalized stereotype. Not all women are personable, organized or detail oriented, and lots of men are. Each woman has her own personal strengths and weaknesses, just like men do and I think its really counter productive to draw such conclusions. What Carol Smith should have done, is point out that she is speaking from her own unique experience. From her experience this generalization may be true, but in all honesty I find all this which gender is better at what binary competition exhausting and completely detrimental to women in general because it perpetuates stereotypes that all women act the same.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Real Definition of Global Travel

The Real Definition of Global Travel What’s your definition of global travel? Maybe it’s travelling to as many places as you can? Or maybe it’s travelling to destinations that most people avoid? Mongolia and the Middle East may not seem like ideal holiday destinations but they can be a real eye opener. It all depends upon your reasons for travel. Do you just want to get away, soak up the sun and chill out with a good book, a magazine and your tablet, or enjoying entertainment from surfing the web? Or would you prefer to learn something from your experience? Whatever you’re looking for, global travel could be just what you need. Benefits of Global travel Travelling the different parts of the world comes with many benefits. If you do decide to head to the Middle East or Mongolia, for example, you’ll get to discover a completely different way of life. Seeing how other people live and experiencing the different cultures can really open your eyes. It helps you to develop a sense of empathy. It can also change your life seeing just how welcoming the people can be. It’s often those living in the poorest countries who invite strangers with open arms. The people of Africa are often full of joy, despite the fact they have next to nothing in their possession. It makes you appreciate everything that you have back home. For many people, it’s even helped them to make changes when they get back home and they become a lot less materialistic. Witnessing different cultures around the world is a real learning curve. You’ll gain a lot of knowledge about different world issues. You’ll also become a lot more understanding of the foreign travellers in your own country. The Global Citizen Daily has printed a really interesting article on the benefits of global travel for children. Global travel can be great for the whole family. However, you may want to consider going it alone. Travelling alone â€" is it worth it? Often, the best travel experiences come for those who travel alone. It can be very therapeutic exploring the world by yourself. As reported in the Huffington Post, travelling the globe alone can bring the following benefits: Gaining a sense of mindfulness Helps you to meet new friends Eliminates depression You can reflect and relax If you’ve been struggling through life with no real sense of purpose, travelling can help to get you out of that rut. Often getting far away from a situation can help you to gain perspective. Time away helps you clear your head. The experiences you have while travelling will also help to make you more independent. Many people report that solo global travel was one of the best things they’ve ever done. So if you haven’t thought about going solo, now may be the time to do so. Overall global travel can be anything you want it to be. Whether that’s seeing as much of the world as possible, or whether it’s simply visiting poorer countries. Try to head somewhere that has a completely different culture. That’s where you’ll discover the most unique and interesting people.

Monday, May 18, 2020

3 Essential Traits Your Business Needs to Succeed - Classy Career Girl

3 Essential Traits Your Business Needs to Succeed We all marvel as new businesses turn into household names. These are fresh and exciting companies who are obviously doing something right. However, theyre not who you should be using as your business role model. Instead, you should model your business after companies who have been around for a while because they have growth strategies that are proven to work. A successful business growth strategy is contingent on many things going right. You may want to take a look at them as you run your company. 3 Essential Traits Your Business Needs to Succeed 1. Willingness to Change With the Times Sales Force says that any business that wants to grow will need to overcome traditional constraints. This is actually one of the most difficult challenges youll face. After all, you wont find a bank whos willing to offer you a loan to use in growing your business. Nevertheless, your infrastructure (the tools and systems you use to run your business, including  point of sales systems, phones, computers, data centers, and software) will grow outdated â€" especially with all the technological advances that are taking place today. While these technologies are meant to level the playing field, your business cant keep up with it without spending some money. Companies that embrace technology often experience quadruple the revenue growth than what other companies experience. In fact, Deloitte conducted a study that showed these companies made 44% more revenue than companies with a basic system or none at all. This is clear evidence that technology is really helpful in helping businesses grow. For instance, financial management technology can also help your business grow since you can closely manage your cash outlay and receivables. This technology gives you a clearer picture than youd ever get with a simple Excel spreadsheet. American Express says that changing with the times really is one of “the most important rules a business can follow.” They point to Jack Marran, president of Marran Oil as an example of this. Their company has been around since 1891 â€" 126 years. The company started as an oil company but thanks to a willingness to change, they now offer kerosene, HVAC, and home security. Their willingness to evolve is one of the reasons theyre still in business today. When you make innovation one of your business growth strategies you also have to be willing to adopt innovative technologies. Unfortunately, only one-third of todays businesses are adopting innovation technologies as a strategy for growth. To be smarter about growth, you need new technology. This is important because you cant scale high-touch services without its help. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs feel theyll “just wing it” â€" something thats worked for them in the past. However, as your business grows bigger and more complex, you need the help technology can offer. Businesses cant even argue that they cant afford to use new technology. Studies actually show how 36% of companies spend less money and yet gain more clients thanks to technology. Of course, its good business sense to spend money to gain loyal, high-value customers. [RELATED: 4 Personality Traits That Make Women Successful In Business] 2. Creativity Understanding the importance of having the right technology helps you understand why you need to keep up with the times. However, your business actually needs to do more than that. It needs to be creative and lead the way into the future. This is something that Jeff Vermeulen, executive director of the J.D. Brown Center for Entrepreneurship at York College of Pennsylvania stresses the importance of. He says that “Successful companies need to be constantly innovating to stay relevant for their customers and ahead of their competition.” 3. A Relationship With Your Clients Of course, another old saying is also true, “You cant place the cart before the horse.” You cant become so creative that you forget about the customers you already have. By spending all your time and money chasing after new customers, while ignoring your current customers, youll waste a lot of money. This is a problem thats been occurring for years now. Those businesses that have gone beyond surviving to thriving have learned that its more important to turn customers into repeat customers who speak highly of you. Word of mouth advertising is yet another great growth strategy. There are a few things you should consider here. Ask yourself: How often are your existing customers buying new products and services from you? How big of an order do they usually place? How much do they typically spend each time they place an order? Where do you find your best customers? Why do you lose customers? Knowing the answers to these questions is important. Unfortunately, only 48% of small business owners say they have these answers. This is sad because technology can help you here. With the right technology in place youll learn about your existing customers’ buying patterns, predict what theyll need from you in the future, and proactively share relevant and valuable content. These things will help them re-engage with you so that theyll want to buy more from you in the future. Theyll also want to engage in word of mouth advertising â€" recommending you to others. Until you do know the answers to these questions, you shouldnt try to acquire more customers. [RELATED:  How To Grow and Scale Your Business in the Next 6 Months] Teleconferencing will improve productivity and save time. This is a great way of having one-on-one contact with other business owners and with your customers too. Youll find this is important as many more businesses move online, making it really easy to lose the human connection today. By being proactive about using video conferencing and not losing touch with your customers, youll show them that you really do care about them. This is yet another lesson that Marran has learned. He goes out of his way to talk to his customers so he doesnt lose touch with them through the corporate grapevine. When youre looking for new business growth strategies, it never hurts to take a look at what other companies are doing. However, you also cant forget to look at what new companies are doing. Youll find a lot of great business growth strategies that will help your business prosper now and in the future.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

4 Skills You Need if You Want to Work with Children -

4 Skills You Need if You Want to Work with Children Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comA lot of people really like the idea of a career that involves working with kids, but it takes a special kind of person to be really good at it. To be a successful childminder, educator or pediatric nurse, for example, you really do need to have the right personality and the perfect skill set, which means more than just the relevant educational qualifications!So, if you’re serious about working with kids, here are the most essential skills you will need to work on:1. Being PatientevalPatience is probably the most important skill any adult working with kids needs to have.eval?You have to remember that children aren’t adults and they think, feel and do things in different ways; ways that might frustrate and confuse us. It’s important then that happens, and you find yourself repeating the same instructions for the millionth time, that you do not snap.?That’s the worst thing a teacher, social worker, etc., can do. So, if you know you’re easily frustr ated, start working on improving your patience now. You can find out how to improve patience here and you probably should.??Like I said, patience is the most important skill you’ll need to have when you’re working with youngsters.2. A Calm DemeanourWhen you’re spending a lot of time surrounded by children, accidents are going to happen, and there will be more emergency situations to contend with that you might think possible, but it’s important, when that happens, that you’re able to remain calm.Children naturally look to the adults around them in an emergency situation, and if you’re freaking it, running around like a headless chicken, that’s what they’ll do too!?Developing a sense of serenity, especially in difficult situations isn’t easy, but if you put yourself through first aid training and the like, it will be a lot easier.3. Communication SkillsIf you want to be a teacher in particular, andhere’s how you can get your FLDOE Certification if you’re interes ted, being able to communicate with children of different ages is a must. Teachers who talk down to children do them a real disservice.evalThe difference between dumbing your words down and making it accessible to younger children is a small one, but it is important you learn how to do it if you want to inspire children to learn more, rather than putting them off completely. Here’s how you can talk toyounger kids without dumbing downif this is something you’re interested in learning.?It really will make you a better educator if you take the time to work on your communication skills.4. Enthusiasm for Your WorkIf you want to work with kids, then you must truly enjoy spending time with them. You might like hanging out with your niece or nephew for a couple of hours at the weekend, but could you really see yourself spending 8 hours a day five days a week with them?? If not, it’s unlikely that you’ll make the kind of impact you would like.eval? Kids know when you’re bored and a nnoyed, and they will react to it!These are just the most essential skills you need to work successfully with kids â€" there are many more, and perhaps you should look into them before making a career move.

Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Handle Getting Headhunted (and Take Your Career to the Next Level - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

How to Handle Getting Headhunted (and Take Your Career to the Next Level For many job seekers, the idea of getting headhunted can seem like an easier route to climb the career ladder. So how do you handle the situation when it arises? Although there’s some truth that headhunting can make your job search easier, it’s not always as plain sailing as it sounds. Having a headhunter approach you because they see a match in your skills and experience to what their client is looking for can, of course, speed up the initial stages of the process and make you aware of job opportunities that you may not have previously considered.   However, you still need to ascertain if the job on offer is actually a fit for you and the next level of your career while going through the recruitment motions. If you want to know how to handle being headhunted so that you take your career to the next level, we have put together some tips to help you along the typical process. Receiving a phone call or email A headhunter will contact you either by email or phone, but usually the latter for a speedier process.   If contact happens while you are at your current workplace, remain calm and professional.   If you can’t talk to them right then and there, ask if you can call them back at a mutually agreed time. Try not to act too keen When you speak to the headhunter about the role on offer, you don’t need to sell yourself just yet, but do show interest.   A common mistake people make is assuming being headhunted means they have secured the role, but just because you’ve been approached doesn’t mean you are guaranteed the job; you will still have to prove you’re the right person for the position. Ask questions To make sure you understand exactly what the role entails, you need to ask questions about the company, the post and what the client is looking for in an employee.   The headhunter will be able to send you a job description, person spec or at least a detailed brief and from this information you can list any questions you have at this stage. Do not be flattered into the role While it’s very flattering to be approached by a headhunter, it’s important to take some time to consider all aspects of their offer.   Remember, headhunters are doing a job also to secure someone into their clients vacancy, so they may try to use psychological tactics to flatter you into accepting an offer that might not end up being as good as it initially sounded; so don’t let that cloud your judgment. Assessing the offer Some aspects to consider regarding your offer include: Comparisons against your current job Salary package Benefits Development opportunities Commute time Days and times of work Working conditions Company brand, reputation and culture The types of people you would be working alongside Is this job a step in the right direction for your career? By weighing up the pros and cons you can carefully contemplate your options.   Once you have made a decision, you need to contact the headhunter.   If you decide to take them up on the offer, you’ll progress further along the recruitment process, usually to the interview stage.   If you decide the position isn’t right for you, politely decline and thank them for considering you â€" it’s worthwhile to keep a good relationship with the headhunter so they know to contact you in the future for suitable vacancies.   Take your time You may have had no intention of changing your job until you were given the option of another role.   If your current job satisfies you and you still feel engaged and motivated within the organization, then dont feel obliged to pursue another role.   You will know if and when it is time for a career change, so making a rash decision might not be in your best interests. “You may discover by investigating what others have to offer that your ideal job is the one you have now!” Dr. Catherine Armstrong, Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University Stay in touch Headhunters use databases and memory to keep track of candidates.   They will always contact someone they already have a rapport with first (over someone new) if a suitable position becomes available, so it’s good to keep communication open and honest. Author bio: With over 11 years experience, Joe Flanagan is the Senior Career Advisor at VelvetJobs Outplacement Services When hes not trying to help reduce the unemployment rate, you can find him running 5km events and curating his ever expanding electronic music playlist.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Write a Resume When You Have Been Fried

How to Write a Resume When You Have Been FriedWhen you are faced with the question of how to write a resume when you have been fried, it is hard to know what to do. You have to decide whether or not your skills and experiences can translate into a job that fits your needs. The skills and experience you bring to a new job are critical, but the only way to tell whether or not you can still add value is by evaluating the position and what your responsibilities will be in that position.If you know the right questions to ask and have done your homework, a good chance exists that you can find a position and make yourself very valuable. If you are faced with the question of how to write a resume when you have been fried, the first step is to make sure that you actually have been fried. To determine this, you need to consider the state of your mind and soul at this point.Before you begin, start with an adequate amount of positive thinking and practice having a proper mindset. After all, if y ou begin a new job thinking that you will fail, you will fail. On the other hand, if you begin with a proper attitude, then you will be likely to succeed. Then start to examine your employment record. Now take a good look at your employment history and ask yourself if you have added any value to the organization.As you review your employment history, try to incorporate some of your positive approach and apply some of the results to your resume. Next ask yourself if you have a track record of succeeding in your employment. Would you be surprised to learn that you are still the same person you were during your last employment? If you are not the same person that you were during your last employment, then you should really ask yourself if you have changed or if you are simply the same.The next step is to determine the type of job that fits you. If you are a person who loves animals, then work with a job that lets you interact with animals. If you love working with people, then work wit h a job that places you with people. As you consider your work history and personality, you should always remember that you are in a work environment that makes a difference on many levels.Be sure to take a look at how your prospective employer responded to you in the past. What you may be dealing with is a great personality problem that is related to their personality. Therefore, consider their personality and determine whether or not it fits you or if you will just end up being the nuisance.Keep in mind that it is never wise to settle for a job that fits your personality, but just make sure you think about this before making a decision. In order to be successful in the job market, you will have to think like a competitive person when deciding the type of job you want to get.When you are faced with the question of how to write a resume when you have been fried, make sure that you are taking some time to examine your personality and employment history and be sure that the personalit y that you want to put on paper does in fact match the personality that your company wants you to portray. And most importantly, consider the organization that you are dealing with before making a decision that will determine how to write a resume when you have been fried. Then, write your resume and make yourself shine.